Gilead Brook Farm, also known as The Wright Family Farm, sits in a valley at the end of a long winding dirt road. At about 700 acres, the farm encompasses the entire valley. As you drive to the farm and round the last corner, the fields open up on either side of the majestic red barn perched above. Massive maple trees line the pastures where the 50 cows graze in the summer. The feeling of 'this is where I want my maple syrup to come from' is undeniable. 

Vermont Maple Syrup from Gilead Brook Farm - farm view
The Wright Family purchased the farm in the 1940’s, and they have been making pure Vermont maple syrup for the last 38 years. The fifth generation isn’t old enough to be much help in the sugarhouse yet, but they do love to taste the maple syrup. The sugarhouse sits near the brook, just above the small covered bridge. The maple evaporator, at a whopping 5’ by 14’, is still wood fired. Other than replacing the sap buckets with tubing, not much has changed in the Wright’s process over time. It’s about as old fashioned as it gets. 
Maple Farmer Rick from Gilead Brook Farm in Bethel Vermont stacking wood in his Vermont maple syrup sugarhouse
showing cows from Gilead Brook Farm at the Tunbridge Agricultural Fair
The Vermont maple syrup sugarhouse at Gilead Brook Farm in Bethel Vermont

I am happy to announce that Andrew has picked up where his father left off and started sugaring again. The sugarhouse sat idle in 2023, but now the fire is burning again in the sugarhouse that has been used for generations. Andrew makes the time to raise a family, run a dairy farm, and craft maple syrup. He even shows cows at the Tunbridge Fair with the next generation of young farmers.

Happy cows in the pasture at Gilead Brook Farm
Real Men Drive Tractors and Make Maple Syrup
maple sap buckets are a thing of the past