Pure Vermont Maple Syrup from Clark's Classic Maple
Clark’s Classic Maple sits on beautiful 20 acres in Calais, Vermont. Tyler and Holly Clark tap 2200 trees with the help of their young black lab Maverick. Growing up, Holly helped her family make syrup from the maple trees that they tapped along their Vermont roadside. They boiled sap on the evaporator that her grandfather had purchased in 1990. On a different maple farm, Tyler first started making syrup with some friends in 2014. And then while Holly was deployed in Afghanistan, Tyler and Holly’s dad decided to revive her family’s tradition of crafting small-batch maple syrup.

When Holly returned to Vermont, Tyler and Holly’s mutual love of maple syrup became evident. Their exploration of maple sugaring became their combined passion. Tyler and his friends built their splendid sugarhouse; Holly dove into learning about making maple sugar and candy. After the first year they outgrew Grampa’s evaporator and invested in a larger one. They are a small family farm, and their dedication and attention to detail is unwavering as they craft delicious high quality Vermont maple syrup.