All About Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

Vermont Maple Syrup Grades

Pure Vermont Maple Syrup Flavors
The flavors of pure syrup can vary significantly. The terroir of the soil, weather, and processing methods of the tree sap impacts the flavors.

Why Use Glass Bottles for Maple Syrup?

Bird-Friendly Maple Syrup

How Much Sap does it Really Take?

Natural Vacuum to Boost Maple Syrup Production

Very Dark Maple Syrup

Tapping Maple Trees

What is Fancy Maple Syrup?

Sweetening the Maple Evaporator Pan
Maple syrup farmers, or sugarmakers, use the term “sweetening the pan”. A gradient of sugar created in the evaporator is established during the first boil of each season.

How to Store Maple Syrup – and save it when it goes bad

Reverse Osmosis and the Maple Syrup Industry

Liquid Gold?! How much do maple farmers really get paid?
There are three types of markets for maple syrup: BULK, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Each market has its pros and cons in the dance between resource input and profit output; however, market consolidation is pushing out the small farms.

What is "Wood-Fired" Maple Syrup?

Meet Our Puppy Named Maple
We're excited to start sharing. Learn about small maple farmers and how they make real maple syrup. Get some delicious maple recipes to try. Read some entertaining stories of life on a maple farm. Look for posts coming soon!
We just had to start with a picture of our new puppy - Maple. She's pretty sweet.